Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays

This is sort of a bitter holiday as a small business I am watching what is happening in Washington and getting steamed! As a small business and family, I am tired of being told what to do by the government and I will NOT be forced into doing something that I can not afford.

It is time for us to stand up and remind your fellow citizens it is THEIR responsibility to go to school, get a education and make something out of their lives. Not the Government.

There is always the ones who have a hardship, and you know what, our church is fantastic at working with those and we do it on our own.

So this holiday season, speak up and in a civil way let them know how you feel.

if you agree with the legisltation and want the government to control your life, then you are in my prayers as you have know idea what you are asking for.
